Luca Guidi

Born in 1982, Luca Guidi began studying classical guitar at a young age and graduated with top honors in 2005 under the guidance of Maestro Nuccio D’Angelo. He further refined his skills with Maestros Flavio Cucchi, Alberto Ponce, Luc Vander Borght, and Oscar Ghiglia, under whom he attended an advanced course at the Chigiana Music Academy in Siena.

In addition, he explored non-classical genres such as Jazz, Blues, and Rock, and studied composition with Maestro Nuccio D’Angelo.

In 2007, he won first prize overall at the “Riviera della Versilia” classical guitar competition.

He has performed extensively throughout Europe with chamber ensembles like the “24 Corde Ensemble” guitar quartet and “La Fabbrica Del Nulla” by Massimo Buffetti, as well as with non-classical projects like the blues band “Betta Blues Society” and the ukulele orchestra “Sinfonico Honolulu.”

For several years now, he has primarily focused on songwriting and has launched a singer-songwriter career. This led to two of his songs being included in Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi’s album “Il Mio Stile”, which won the Targa Tenco 2015. In 2020, he won the “Umberto Bindi” Award and the “Premio Dei Premi” at the M.E.I. in Faenza.

In 2020, he also released his first album of original songs titled “Sudoku.” He has around twenty record releases to his credit as a guitarist, ukulele player, and artistic producer.

Currently, he is a classical guitar and ukulele teacher at the “G. Bonamici” music school in Pisa.