Mikhail Pazi

Born in St. Petersburg (Russia), Mikhail Pazı began his classical guitar studies with Maestro Anatoli Khvan and later continued with Maestro Evgeni Larionov. In 2003, he moved to Italy where he continued his studies with Maestro Flavio Cucchi at the “P. Mascagni” Parity Music Institute in Livorno, graduating with top honors and distinction. In 2014, he earned a diploma in Instrumental Teaching from the “L. Cherubini” Conservatory in Florence, also with honors.

He has attended seminars and masterclasses with Maestros Alberto Ponce (France), Luc Vander Borght (Belgium), and Maestro Oscar Ghiglia, who awarded him scholarships at the Chigiana Music Academy in Siena in July 2004 and 2006.

He has distinguished himself in numerous national and international competitions, including the “Città di San Pietroburgo” National Guitar Competition, the XXII International Guitar Competition “Fernando Sor” in Rome, the XIII Biennial International Guitar Competition “Emilio Pujol” in Sassari, and the “Riviera Etrusca” and “Giulio Rospigliosi” Guitar Competitions.

From 2010 to 2013, Mikhail led ensemble music activities and guitar orchestra for young guitarists at the “Chitarrae” International Festival in Bivigliano (FI). In 2010, he was invited to the Les Internationales de la Guitare Festival in Montpellier.

Since 2018, he has collaborated with double bassist Giovanni Scalvini and accordionist Samuele Venturin, accompanying singer Monica Santoro in the “A lei” project. From 2018 to 2021, he performed in a duo with flutist Olivia Gigli.

He is a guitar teacher at the “L. Pirandello” Middle School with a Music Focus in Florence.